21 XI 2020 r. - Laudato si and Missions
International Association of Catholic Missiologists i Katedra Misjologii UKSW
zapraszają 21 listopada 2020 r. na konferencję (on-line)
Laudato si' and Missions
Klaus Vellguth / Wojciech Kluj - Welcome & Introduction
Frans Wijsen - The Ecological Concern as a Common Challenge - Muslims and Christians in Indonesia
Thomas Fornet Ponse - A fraternal humanism as mission to creation - The holistic perspective of Laudato si' and its socio-ethical and missiological consequences
Wojciech Kluj - Ecological Conversion and Missions
Gerard Moorman - Historical Background of Laudato si' and Mission
Stefan Silber - Indigenous Knowledge in a Mission for Eco-justice - "Everything in the world is connected" (LS 16)
Paul Steffen - Eco-sensitive Answers of the Church in Different Continents with Focus on Africa, Asia and Latin America
Klaus Vellguth - Eco-Spiritualities in Dialogue
Isis Ibrahim - Christianity as a Universal Resource among Others? - Creation Faith in an Intercultural and Interreligious Perspective
Osoby zainteresowane uczestnictwem prosimy o kontakt: w.kluj@uksw.edu.pl